
Main Worship Service

Sunday @ 10:30am


Sunday @ 10:00am

1st Sunday after the worship service - Family Potluck

2nd Saturday @ 8am - Men’s Breakfast

Studies & Classes

Sunday @ 9am - Sunday School all ages

Multiple on-campus, home studies & gatherings. We invite you to come on Sunday morning and grab a bulletin for more info.


Awana begins August 27th at Winnemucca Christian Fellowship, 4380 Grass Valley Road, Winnemucca, NV

Tuesday nights, beginning August 27th 6-7:30 pm.

Children ages 3* through High School are welcome to join us. We will learn about Jesus and play games.

For more information contact Crystal Burnett

*Children must be 3 by September 1st and able to use the potty on their own.


Winnemucca Christian Fellowship is a group of people that love God and love people. We exist to share the BEST NEWS through discipleship (learning about Jesus with and from others), caring for people and through missions (helping people locally, nationally & globally to share the BEST NEWS to the people close to them). What’s the best news?


The good news is that we are all supernaturally loved by God and wonderfully made in His image. The bad news is that we have all turned away from God; we have all chosen our ways over His ways, and we are separated from God. This is evident in all sorts of suffering we experience in this world. But the BEST NEWS is that God has not left us alone in our separation. God has come to us in the person of Jesus, and He has made a way for every single one of us to be restored to a relationship with God not just in this world, but for all of eternity. There is no better news than this!



We want Jesus followers to become fully trained for greater works of service. We believe that all believers are called be disciple-makers. No one should come as a consumer, but all should come as servants. The Holy Spirit has given each of us a gift that is to be used for building up the body. We want our leaders to teach us how to lead and help us develop in character through their modeling and teaching. Our goal is that each one of us becomes like Christ, and develops the ability to lead others to Him, make disciples, and plant churches.



The body of believers is supposed to be closer to us than our own families (Matt. 12:46, Luke 14:26). Jesus said that "all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). He also prayed that his disciples would be so "perfectly one" that the world may believe that the Father sent Jesus (John 17:20-23).

We want to be people who love each other deeply and show this consistently. We seek a bond that surpasses that of our natural families and is only possible because of our common fellowship with Jesus. We share our possessions and our lives with each other. We seek to obey all of the “one another” commands in Scripture. Christ wants us to be known for our love, and He claimed that our unity would cause others to believe in Him. Our goal is not merely to get along but to love each other to the extent that Christ loved us, and to be united to the extent that the Father is one with the Son.



We want to be people with supernatural character, focused on sharing the gospel with neighbors and coworkers. We want to be people who are not focused on survival or higher standards of living, but devoted to the mission of evangelism. For some, this will mean going to foreign countries to share Christ where He has not been heard. For others, this means supporting those who have gone. For everyone, it means sharing the gospel regularly.

Need Prayer?

There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. That’s worth repeating! The God of the Universe stands ready to listen to you. And no matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!